
Code of Conduct



Red Shed Inc is committed to fostering a safe and supportive community environment for all participants and visitors.

It is the expectation of Red Shed Inc that these principles are followed and respected by all individuals at all times.


This policy applies to all participants and visitors of Red Shed Inc.

General Standards of Behaviour

Participants and visitors must, at all times:

  • Act honestly and with integrity and perform their activities with care and diligence.
  • Treat everyone with respect, courtesy, and honesty, including colleagues, contractors, visitors, clients, and customers.
  • Foster an environment of equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion, and refrain from any form of discrimination or harassment.
  • Uphold the integrity and reputation of Red Shed Inc.
  • Comply with all policies of Red Shed Inc.
  • Follow lawful and reasonable directions of Red Shed Inc.
  • Use Red Shed Inc resources and facilities properly and for their intended purposes.
  • Ensure a safe and healthy environment for all.
  • Provide truthful information to Red Shed Inc.
  • Avoid using their position for personal gain or advantage.

Abandonment of Participation

Participants and visitors who fail to attend scheduled activities without notification in the cancellation period allowed by each relevant activity, may be deemed to have abandoned their participation or visitation at Red Shed Inc, and not be allowed a refund.

Ethics and Business Conduct

  • Participants and visitors must act with honesty, diligence, loyalty, and good faith.
  • Avoid conduct that may cause offense, embarrassment, or legal liability to Red Shed Inc or others.
  • Report any unethical, dishonest, fraudulent, or illegal behaviours, or any behaviours that violates Red Shed Inc policies.

Dress Code

Participants and visitors are expected to present themselves professionally and appropriately for the activities they are engaged in.

Red Shed Inc may provide specific instructions regarding dress code requirements.

Time and Attendance

  • Participants and visitors are expected to be punctual and ready for scheduled activities.
  • Lack of punctuality may affect participation or visitation.

Confidentiality and Proprietary Information

  • Confidential and proprietary information must not be disclosed or used improperly.
  • All confidential and proprietary information belongs to Red Shed Inc and must be returned upon request or termination of participation or visitation.
  • Exercise caution when handling confidential and proprietary information belonging to Red Shed Inc or its clients.
  • Mobile Phones and Other Devices
    • Mobile phones and other electronic devices should be used appropriately during activities at Red Shed Inc.
    • Unauthorized use or access to inappropriate material is prohibited.
    • Red Shed Inc may issue specific guidelines regarding the use of mobile phones and other devices.
  1. Smoking
    1. Smoking is not permitted on Red Shed Inc premises or during activities.
  1. Computer Software
    1. Only licensed software may be used, and unauthorized software is prohibited.
    1. Company-owned software must not be copied or distributed for private use.
  1. Conflict of Interest
    1. Participants and visitors should avoid conflicts of interest and act in the best interest of Red Shed Inc.
    1. Notify Red Shed Inc of any potential conflicts of interest promptly.
  1. Gifts and Gratuities
    1. Acceptance of gifts or benefits must comply with Red Shed Inc policies.
    1. Refuse any gift that may cause a conflict of interest or compromise integrity.
  1. Privacy:
    1. Handle personal and business information appropriately and in accordance with privacy principles.
    1. Use information only for legitimate business purposes and avoid unauthorized disclosure.
  1. Breach of Policy:
    1. Report any breaches of this policy to Red Shed Inc management.
    1. Breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action.
  1. Variation:
    1. Red Shed Inc reserves the right to vary, replace, or terminate this policy as necessary.

By participating or visiting the Red Shed Inc website or premise, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with this Code of Conduct.

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