
Where investment meets impact. All funds gifted and generated are reinvested in our community programs, passions and progress.

Red Shed project has been made possible through a donation that has funded the land lease, building design, construction, and ongoing maintenance of the facility. This financial support has laid the groundwork for Red Shed to fulfill its “Rowing for All” mission and provide a valuable resource for the Canberra community.

To cover the costs of a head coach, facility manager, and the various rowing programs, Red Shed will generate revenue through program fees, facility rentals, and fundraising events. The business plan is structured to achieve a positive cash flow once all programs are underway, ensuring the sustainability of the facility and its offerings.

Any surplus generated by Red Shed will be reinvested into the organisation, with a focus on supporting programs for disadvantaged groups and improving the facilities and equipment of both Red Shed and BMRC. This reinvestment strategy will not only strengthen Red Shed’s financial position but also enable it to have a greater impact on the community and expand its reach to more individuals in need.

To ensure the success of the business plan and the financial sustainability of Red Shed, the following strategies are being implemented:


Regularly review and adjust program fees to maintain affordability while covering operational costs.


Actively seek out grants and sponsorships to supplement income and fund specific initiatives or equipment purchases.


Organise fundraising events, such as charity rowing races, auctions, or community gatherings, to engage members and the local community in supporting Red Shed's mission.


Implement cost-saving measures, such as energy-efficient lighting and equipment or volunteer-led maintenance, to reduce overhead expenses.


Establish partnerships with local businesses and organisations to create mutually beneficial opportunities, such as discounted services or joint promotional campaigns.

By employing these strategies, Red Shed will maintain a positive cash flow and continue to provide accessible rowing opportunities for all members of the Canberra community, regardless of their background or abilities.


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